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The Archangelic Purification Mist creates an energetic connection to the vibration of Archangel Metatron and his twin flame, or spiritual brother, Sandalphon. The unique combination of essential oils helps you to call in the protective energies of these divine beings, while reconnecting you to the Angelic Plane. These aromatic qualities alleviate mental stress, opening you up to new levels of awareness and clarity, while inspiring spiritual values and gifts to come into creation.

Archangelic Purification Spray

SKU: 0008
  • The Archangelic Purification Mist creates an energetic connection to the vibration of Archangel Metatron and his twin flame or spiritual brother, Sandalphon. During their lives on Earth, Metatron was the prophet, Enoch, and Sandalphon was the prophet, Elijah.  In the Zohar, the holy book of the Kabbalah, Metatron is described as “the King of Angels”.  He is believed to rule over the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” while guarding the Tree of Life.

    The unique combination of essential oils helps you to call in the protective energies of this divine being while reconnecting you to the Angelic Plane. When sprayed, it will support the purification of frequencies necessary for healing to take place. It supports the embodiment of your Higher Self.

    These aromatic qualities alleviate mental stress, opening you up to new levels of awareness and clarity, while inspiring spiritual values and gifts to come into creation. It also calms feelings of hypersensitivity within adults and children, so that you can continue to draw in the inspirational and powerful guidance of Archangel Metatron.

    This spray supports the angelic order to become a part of your reality, helping you to manifest your gifts and talents. When sprayed, its aromatic properties will inspire a strong sense of protection while purification takes place. A deep sense of surrender and healing is initiated, and a sense of spiritual purpose and personal clarity births.


    Essential oils of Sweet Vanilla, Patchouli, Lemon, Clary Sage and Lavender with a Neroli Flower Water base.


    Shake well before use

    Transference Healing has created a range of high vibrational, purification sprays that are comprised of pure floral water combined with organic essential oils. Created by Alexis Cartwright, these sprays were brought through to support a remedial healing impact on the body and consciousness, heightening your vibration while purifying distorted energies.

    They also awaken the attributes of the psyche, connecting you to different realities, guides, Ascended Masters and dimensions of thought.  Each spray contains a clear quartz crystal programmed by Alexis.  This helps to magnify the unique qualities of each spray, while also imbuing it with the frequencies of Transference Healing.

    Each purification mist can be sprayed around your body or environment and are especially effective in supporting meditation, healing and spiritual practice. When used in your home, they cleanse and support you to sustain a fifth dimensional space.  Each spray has its own aroma and magical qualities, encouraging holistic wellness, inspirational thoughts and protection.

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